Yves Schemeil

Emeritus Professor, University of Grenoble


Emeritus Professor of Political Science, the University of Grenoble

Dr. Y. Schemeil is Emeritus professor of Political Science at the University of Grenoble Alpes, Global and Comparative Studies Professor at the Institut Universitaire de France and Visiting Professor in Geopolitics at the Grenoble School of Management. He is active in four fields: international studies and the management of international organizations, including those in charge of the Internet; anthropology, comparative politics and comparative political thought in Europe, the Middle East, and North-East Asia with a special interest in the archaeology and the universality of concepts, designs, food and hospitality manners; political knowledge and the respective weight of reason and emotion or personality traits on persuasion; epistemology of the social sciences compared to physics, and the building of a global political science. He is also committed to innovative teaching (MOOC, online transcontinental seminars, flipped classrooms). Keynote speaker in academic and international meetings (ECPR, EGOS), he also taught and researched in American universities (UCLA, Berkeley, University of Chicago, the American University of Paris), Japan (Sophia, Waseda, Keio, Akita), Switzerland (Geneva, Lausanne, Glion), Egypt and Lebanon as well as other French Universities (Aix en Provence, Sciences Po Paris). Pr. Schemeil is a former Vice-President and co-program chair of IPSA and French PSA, and the honorary Director of Sciences Po Grenoble.