Research on digital constitutionalism has developed significantly in recent years, and the definition and parameters of digital constitutionalism are best seen in the aggregate scholarly output on the topic. With this in mind, the Digital Constitutionalism Network has compiled a list of its members’ recent publications in the field, to make such scholarly contributions more organized and accessible. Explore below the books, chapters, and articles published by members of the Network since 2018.
Padovani, C., Montiel, A. V., Shala, A., & Cerqueira, C. (2023). A New Gender Deal for Media and Digital Communications. In Padovani, C., Wavre, V., Hintz, A., Goggin, G., & Iosifidis, P. (Eds.), Global Communication Governance at the Crossroads, (pp. 259-280). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Padovani, C. (2023). Gender Dimensions of Communication Governance: Perspectives, Principles, and Practices. In Gallagher, M. & Montiel, A. V. (Eds.), The Handbook of Gender, Communication, and Women’s Human Rights, (pp. 15-33). Hoboken: Wiley & Sons.
Nieminen, H., Padovani, C., & Sousa, H. (2023). Why has the EU been late in regulating social media platforms?. Javnost-The Public, 30(2), 174-196.
Padovani, C., Belluati, M., Karadimitriou, A., Horz-Ishak, C., & Baroni, A. (2022). Gender inequalities in and through the media: Comparing gender inequalities in the media across countries. In Success and failure in news media performance: Comparative analysis in the Media for Democracy Monitor 2021, (pp. 101-125). Gothenburg: Nordicom.
Azzalini, M., & Padovani, C. (2021). Genere e media in Italia nel contesto della pandemia Covid-19: i risultati del GMMP 2020. Problemi dell’informazione, 46(3), 495-500.
Padovani, C. (2020). [Equità Di Genere] Cultura e comunicazione al centro dei processi di rinascita?. Letture lente.
Padovani, C., & Ross, K. (2020). Ideas for gender-transformative futures of education in the digital age. Humanistic futures of learning: Perspectives from UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, 153-156.
Padovani, C., & Bozzon, R. (2020). Media gender equality regimes: Exploring media organizations’ policy adoption across nations. In Djerf-Pierre, M., & Edström, M. (Eds.), Comparing Gender and Media Equality Across the Globe A Cross-National Study of the Qualities, Causes, and Consequences of Gender Equality in and through the News Media (pp. 99-144). Gothenburg: Nordicom.
Padovani, C. (2020). Gender and media policy. The international encyclopedia of gender, media, and communication, 1-11.
Padovani, C. (2020). Learning and teaching gender in the digital age: insights and reflections on the AGEMI project. Journalism Education, 9, 19-30.
Padovani, C. (2019). Women in Beijing+ 25 and in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A Comparison. Economia della Cultura, 29(4), 579-583.
Padovani, C., & Ross, K. (2019). Advancing gender equality in media industries: an innovative european approach. Inter disciplina, 7(17), 87-98.
Padovani, C., & Ross, K. (2019). Re-booting gender in communication research and practice: a translational approach. ECREA 2018 special panel report. Studies in Communication Sciences, 19(2), 211-215.
Padovani, C. (2019). Beijing+ 25: Tacking Stock and Actualizing Section J through Transnational Collaboration. Economia della Cultura, (4), 477-489.
Padovani, C., Raeymaeckers, K., & De Vuyst, S. (2019). Transforming the news media: Overcoming old and new gender inequalities. In Trappel, J. (Ed.) Digital media inequalities: Policies against divides, distrust and discrimination. (pp. 159-77). Gothenburg: Nordicom.
Padovani, C., & Santaniello, M. (2018). Digital constitutionalism: Fundamental rights and power limitation in the Internet eco-system. International Communication Gazette, 80(4), 295-301.
Padovani, C. (2018). Gendering media policy research and communication governance. Javnost-The Public, 25(1-2), 256-264.
Palladino, N. (2023). A ‘biased’ emerging governance regime for artificial intelligence? How AI ethics get skewed moving from principles to practices. Telecommunications Policy, 47(5).
Celeste, E., Palladino, N., Redeker, D., & Yilma, K. (2023). The content governance dilemma: digital constitutionalism, social media and the search for a global standard (p. 143). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Palladino, N. (2023). A digital constitutionalism framework for Ai. Rivista di Digital Politics, 3(3), 521-542.
Palladino, N. (2023). The Blind Watcher: Accountability Mechanisms In The Artificial Intelligence Act. In Belli, L., & Gasper, W. (eds.) The Quest for AI Sovereignty, Transparency and Accountability (pp. 145-160). United Nations Internet Governance Forum-FGV Direito Rio.
Santaniello, M., & Palladino, N. (2022). Discourse Coalitions. In Marzouki, M., and Calderaro, A. (Eds.), Internet Governance. Internet Diplomacy: Shaping the Global Politics of Cyberspace. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Celeste, E., Palladino, N., Redeker, D., & Yilma, K. (2022). Digital constitutionalism: in search of a content governance standard. In Celeste, E., Heldt, A., & Keller, C. I. (Eds.), Constitutionalising social media. (pp. 267-287). Oxford: Hart.
Palladino, N. (2021). The role of epistemic communities in the “constitutionalization” of internet governance: The example of the European Commission High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence. Telecommunications policy, 45(6), 102149.
Palladino, N., & Santaniello, M. (2020). Legitimacy, power, and inequalities in the multistakeholder Internet governance: Analyzing IANA transition. Cham: Springer Nature.
Santaniello, M., Palladino, N., Catone, M. C., & Diana, P. (2018). The language of digital constitutionalism and the role of national parliaments. International Communication Gazette, 80(4), 320-336.
Victorio, A. P., Celeste, E., & Quintavalla, A. (2024). Greening AI? The new principle of sustainable digital products and services in the EU. Common Market Law Review, 61(4), 1019-1044.
Celeste, E. (2024). Digital Constitutionalism, EU Digital Sovereignty Ambitions and the Role of the European Declaration on Digital Rights. In New Directions in Digitalisation: Perspectives from EU Competition Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights (pp. 255-271). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Celeste, E., & Dominioni, G. (2024). Digital and green: reconciling the EU twin transitions in times of war and energy crisis. In Fabbrini, F., & Petit, C. (Eds.), Research Handbook on Post-Pandemic EU Economic Governance and NGEU Law (pp. 161-178). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Celeste, E., & Formici, G. (2024). Constitutionalizing Mass Surveillance in the EU: Civil Society Demands, Judicial Activism, and Legislative Inertia. German Law Journal, 1-20.
Celeste, Ed., (2024). Digital Constitutionalism: A Socio-Legal Approach. European Data Protection Law Review, 10(2), 146-149.
Celeste, E., Iglesias Keller, C., & Redeker, D. (2024). Digital Bills of Rights. In De Gregorio, G., Pollicino, O., & P. Valcke (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Digital Constitutionalism) Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Celeste, E., & Nair, A. (2024). 2024: The Year of AI? Exploring the Role of Legal Scholarship and Interdisciplinary Research. European Journal of Law and Technology, 15(2).
Celeste, E., & Nair, A. (2023). Protecting the Vulnerable: from E-Administration to AI Liability. Editorial. European Journal of Law and Technology, 14.
Celeste, E., Redeker, D., Santaniello, M., & Digital Constitutionalism Network. (2023). Anchoring Digital Rights: Digital Constitutionalism in Hard Times. In Padovani, C., Wavre, V., Hintz, A., Goggin, G., & Iosifidis, P. (Eds.), Global Communication Governance at the Crossroads (pp. 217-237). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Celeste, E. (2023). Internet Bills of Rights: Generalisation and Re-specification Towards a Digital Constitution. Ind. J. Global Legal Stud., 30, 25.
Celeste, E., & De Gregorio, G. (2023). Towards a right to digital education? Constitutional challenges of edtech. J. Intell. Prop. Info. Tech. & Elec. Com. L., 14, 234.
Celeste, E., Palladino, N., Redeker, D., & Yilma, K. (2023). The content governance dilemma: digital constitutionalism, social media and the search for a global standard. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Celeste, E., Costello, R. Á., Harbinja, E., & Xanthoulis, N. (Eds.). (2023). Data protection and digital sovereignty post-Brexit. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Celeste, E. (2023). Digital constitutionalism: how fundamental rights are turning digital. In Sampaio, L., Adércio, J., Meire, F., Lavinia, A.B., Lima, N., Jocélia, M. (Eds.), A Inteligência Artificial a (De)serviço do Estado de Direito. (pp. 13-36). RTM, Belo Horizonte.
Celeste, E. (2022). Digital constitutionalism: The role of internet bills of rights. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis.
Celeste, E., Heldt, A., & Keller, C. I. (Eds.). (2022). Constitutionalising social media. Oxford: Hart.
Trestian, R., Celeste, E., Xie, G., Lohar, P., Bendechache, M., Brennan, R., & Ta, I. (2022, June). The privacy paradox-investigating people’s attitude towards privacy in a time of COVID-19. In 2022 14th International Conference on Communications (COMM) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Celeste, E., & De Gregorio, G. (2022). Digital humanism: The constitutional message of the GDPR. Global Privacy Law Review, 3(1).
Celeste, E., Palladino, N., Redeker, D., & Yilma, K. (2022). Digital constitutionalism: in search of a content governance standard. In Celeste, E., Heldt, A., & Keller, C. I. (Eds.), Constitutionalising social media. (pp. 267-87). Oxford: Hart.
Celeste, E. (2022). The Constitutionalisation of the digital ecosystem: Lessons from international law (pp. 47-74). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Bago, P., Castilho, S., Celeste, E., Dunne, J., Gaspari, F., Gíslason, N. R., Klubička, F., Kristmannsson, G., McHugh, H., Moran, R., Loinsigh, O., Olsen, J.A., Escartín, C.P., Ramesh, A., Resende, N., Sheridan, P., & Way, A. (2022). Sharing high-quality language resources in the legal domain to develop neural machine translation for under-resourced European languages. Revista de llengua i dret, 9-34.
Celeste, E., Montgomery, S., & Suriyawongkul, A. (2022). Digital technology and privacy attitudes in times of COVID-19: formal legality versus legal reality in Ireland. N. Ir. Legal Q., 73, 283.
Celeste, E. (2021). Data Protection. In Fabbrini, F. (Ed.), The law and politics of Brexit, Volume III: The Framework of New EU-UK Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Trestian, R., Xie, G., Lohar, P., Celeste, E., Bendechache, M., Brennan, R., & Tal, I. (2021, September). Privatt-a closer look at people’s data privacy attitudes in times of covid-19. In 2021 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom) (pp. 174-179). IEEE.
Celeste, E. (2021). Digital sovereignty in the EU: challenges and future perspectives. In Fabbrini F et al (eds) Data protection beyond borders: transatlantic perspectives on extraterritoriality and sovereignty. (Oxford/London/New York?): Hart.
Celeste, E. (2021). Digital constitutionalism: mapping the constitutional response to digital technology’s challenges. Direitos Fundamentais & Justica, 45, 63.
Lohar, P., Xie, G., Bendechache, M., Brennan, R., Celeste, E., Trestian, R., & Tal, I. (2021, August). Irish attitudes toward COVID tracker app & privacy: sentiment analysis on Twitter and survey data. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (pp. 1-8).
Celeste, E. (2021). Digital punishment: social media exclusion and the constitutionalising role of national courts. International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 35(2), 162-184.
Fabbrini, F., Celeste, E., & Quinn, J. (Eds.). (2021). Data protection beyond borders: Transatlantic perspectives on extraterritoriality and sovereignty. Hart Publishing.
Celeste, E., & Shengelia, N. (2021). Regulating online disinformation: comparative perspectives. International Journal of Social Science (Tiblisi), 1(1).
Trestian, R., Xie, G., Lohar, P., Celeste, E., Bendechache, M., Brennan, R., & Tal, I. (2021). Privacy in a time of covid-19: How concerned are you?. IEEE Security & Privacy, 19(5), 26-35.
Celeste, E. & Fabbrini, F. (2021). EU data protection law between extraterritoriality and sovereignty. In Fabbrini F et al (eds) Data protection beyond borders: transatlantic perspectives on extraterritoriality and sovereignty. (Oxford/London/New York?): Hart.
Celeste, E. (2020). A colpi di tweet: Social network, pubblica amministrazione e politica. Istituzioni del Federalismo, 41(1), 121-154.
Celeste, E. (2020). Digital Constitutionalism: The Role of Internet Bills of Rights (Doctoral dissertation, University College Dublin. School of Law).
Celeste, E. (2020). Social media and politics: the legal value of a tweet. Rivista de MediaLaw, 188-193.
Celeste, E., & Fabbrini, F. (2020). Targeted surveillance: can privacy and surveillance be reconciled?. 20 years anniversary of the Tampere Programme: Europeanisation dynamics of the EU area of freedom, security and justice, 295-307.
Fabbrini, F., & Celeste, E. (2020). The right to be forgotten in the digital age: The challenges of data protection beyond borders. German law journal, 21(S1), 55-65.
Celeste, E., & Fabbrini, F. (2020). Competing jurisdictions: Data privacy across the borders. Data Privacy and Trust in Cloud Computing, 43-58.
Celeste, E. (2019). The Court of Justice and the ban on bulk data retention: expansive potential and future scenarios. European Constitutional Law Review, 15(1), 134-157.
Celeste, E. (2019). Digital constitutionalism: a new systematic theorisation. International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 33(1), 76-99.
Celeste, E. (2019). Terms of service and bills of rights: new mechanisms of constitutionalisation in the social media environment?. International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 33(2), 122-138.
Celeste, E., & Iglesias Keller, C. (2019). Future Visions for a Democratic Internet. Publicum, 5(2), ii-viii.
Franklin , M. I. (2024). (Accepted/In press) Digitalizing Human Rights for Sustainable Futures. In Kettemann, M. C., Montgomery, S., Vieth, K. & Wagner, B. (Eds.), Research Handbook on Human Rights and Digital Technology. Second ed. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Franklin, M. I. (2024). Internet Decolonized. (Editor) & Zamurd-Butt, H. (Editor) (Accepted/In press) Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Franklin , M. I. (2022). Life and Death at the Digitalized Border: ‘Access Denied’. In Pereira , S. & Pugliese, J. (Eds.), Mapping Deathscapes: Digital Geographies of Racial and Border Violence. Routledge, 164-182.
Franklin , M. I. (2020). University Life Corporatizing the Digital: Academic Agency Interrupted? In International Studies Perspectives. 21(1), 17-21.
Franklin, M. I. (2019). Human rights futures for the internet. In Wagner, B., Kettemann, M., & Vieth, K. (Eds.), Research Handbook on Human Rights and Digital Technology (pp. 5-23). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Wijermars, M. (2024). How ‘sovereign’ is Russia’s internet? Atlantisch Perspectief, 48(1), 15-17.
Makhortykh, M., & Wijermars, M. (2023). Can filter bubbles protect information freedom? Discussions of algorithmic news recommenders in Eastern Europe. Digital Journalism, 11(9), 1597-1621.
Lokot, T., & Wijermars, M. (2023). The politics of internet freedom rankings. Internet Policy Review, 12(2), 1-35.
Wijermars, M., & Lokot, T. (2022). Is Telegram a “harbinger of freedom”? The performance, practices, and perception of platforms as political actors in authoritarian states. Post-Soviet Affairs, 38(1-2), 125-145.
Wijermars, M. (2022). Selling internet control: the framing of the Russian ban of messaging app Telegram. Information, Communication & Society, 25(15), 2190-2206.
Makhortykh, M., Urman, A., & Wijermars, M. (2022). A story of (non) compliance, bias, and conspiracies: How Google and Yandex represented Smart Voting during the 2021 parliamentary elections in Russia. Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, 3(2), 1-16.
Dovbysh, O., Wijermars, M., & Makhortykh, M. (2022). How to reach Nirvana: Yandex, News personalisation, and the future of Russian journalistic media. Digital Journalism, 10(10), 1855-1874.
Wijermars, M., & Makhortykh, M. (2022). Sociotechnical imaginaries of algorithmic governance in EU policy on online disinformation and FinTech. New media & society, 24(4), 942-963.
Pötzsch, H., Wijermars, M., Gritsenko, D., & Markham, A. (2022). Algorithms, contexts, governance: An introduction to the special issue. New Media & Society, 24(4), 835-844.
Burkhardt, F., & Wijermars, M. (2022). Digital Authoritarianism and Russia’s War Against Ukraine: How Sanctions-induced Infrastructural Disruptions are Reshaping Russia’s Repressive Capacities. SAIS Review of International Affairs, 42(2), 21-43.
Gritsenko, D., Markham, A., Pötzsch, H., & Wijermars, M. (2022). Algorithmic governance in context. New Media & Society, 24(4).
Gritsenko, D., Kopotev, M., & Wijermars, M. (2021). Digital Russia Studies: An Introduction. The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies, 1-12.
Sivetc, L., & Wijermars, M. (2021). The vulnerabilities of trusted notifier-models in Russia: The case of netoscope. Media and Communication, 9(4), 27-38.
Wijermars, M. (2021). Russia’s law ‘On news aggregators’: Control the news feed, control the news?. Journalism, 22(12), 2938-2954.
Wijermars, M. (2021). The digitalization of Russian politics and political participation. The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies, 15-32.
Lokot, T., & Wijermars, M. (2021). Russia’s Social Media Self-Censorship Law is Misguided–and the West Must Avoid Making the Same Mistake. CEPA.
Makhortykh, M., Urman, A., & Wijermars, M. (2021). Authoritarian news personalisation on Yandex. Zen during the 2021 Russian parliamentary elections. In Electoral Integrity and Malpractice in Russia and Beyond: New Challenges and Responses. International workshop. Helsinki, Finland.
Wijermars, M. (2020). The stakes are high for Internet freedom in Russia in 2020. Baltic Rim Economies, (1).
RATILAINEN, S., WIJERMARS, M., & WILMES. (2019). J. Re-framing Women and Technology in Global Digital Spaces: An Introduction. Studies in Russian, Eurasian, and East European New Media, 19, 1-10.
Wijermars, M., & Lehtisaari, K. (2019). Introduction: Freedom of expression in Russia’s new mediasphere. In Freedom of Expression in Russia’s New Mediasphere (pp. 1-14). New York: Routledge.
Wijermars, M. (2018). Mass Media and the Legitimation of Internet Control in Russia: The Case of Telegram. Aleksanteri-Instituutti. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research.
Ratilainen, S. M., Wijermars, M., & Wilmes, J. (2018). Women and Tech in the Post-socialist Context: Intelligence, Creativity, Transgression. Studies in Russian, Eurasian, and East European New Media, 19.
Miazhevich, G., Wijermars, M., Gapova, E., & Zvereva, V. (2018). POLITICS, ACTIVISM AND TROLLING ON THE RUSSIAN INTERNET. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research.
Pohle, J., & Santaniello, M. (2024). From multistakeholderism to digital sovereignty: Toward a new discursive order in internet governance?. Policy & Internet, 1-20.
Hoogenboom, S., Shahin, J., Morais, C., & Santaniello, M. (2024). Regional Digital Governance. In De Lombaerde, P., Handbook on Regional Cooperation and Integration (pp. 108-122). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
Amoretti, F., & Santaniello, M. (2024). Sovranità e costituzionalismo digitale. In Tecnologia, Politica, Società (pp. 29-41). Mimesis.
Amoretti, F., & Santaniello, M. (2023). La corporation digitale pensa il mondo. In I Soggetti e le azioni della politica nella storia del pensiero (pp. 77-93). Edizioni ETS.
Celeste, E., Redeker, D., Santaniello, M., & Digital Constitutionalism Network. (2023). Anchoring Digital Rights: Digital Constitutionalism in Hard Times. In Padovani, C., Wavre, V., Hintz, A., Goggin, G., & Iosifidis, P. (Eds.), Global Communication Governance at the Crossroads (pp. 217-237). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Santaniello, M., & Palladino, N. (2022). Discourse Coalitions. In Marzouki, M., and Calderaro, A. (eds) Internet Governance. Internet Diplomacy: Shaping the Global Politics of Cyberspace. (pp. 61-84). Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Santaniello, M., El-Shal, A., & Bouckaert, R. (2022). The EU and North Africa: towards a just twin transition. Policy Study. Brussels: The Foundation for European Progressive Studies.
Santaniello, M. (2022). Towards a democratic model of cybersecurity. In Financial Intelligence and Economic Security. An unknown Italian glory (pp. 117-128). Linea Edizioni.
Santaniello, M. (2022). Sovranità digitale e diritti fondamentali: un modello europeo di Internet governance. Rivista italiana di informatica e diritto, 4(1), 47-51.
Santaniello, M. (2021). La regolazione delle piattaforme e il principio della sovranità digitale. Rivista di Digital Politics, 1(3), 579-600.
Palladino, N., & Santaniello, M. (2021). Legitimacy, power, and inequalities in the multistakeholder Internet governance: Analyzing IANA transition. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Santaniello, M. (2021). From governance denial to state regulation: A controversy-based typology of Internet governance models.. In B. Haggart, N. Tusikov, & J.A. Scholte (Eds.), Power and authority in internet governance: Return of the state?. (pp. 15-36). London: Routledge.
Amoretti, F., & Santaniello, M. (2021). Sovranità (con) tese. Le digital corporation nello spazio pubblico globale. In La sovranità (pp. 175-194).
Santaniello, M. (2020). La visione politica dei sovrani della rete. Un’analisi dei discorsi pubblici di Mark Zuckerberg e Jack Ma. PARADOXA, 3(XIV), 103-113.
Santaniello, M. (2020). IL GIUDIZIO DI TALOS. VALUTAZIONE, ALGORITMI, MACCHINE/Talos’ Verdict. Evaluation, Algorithms and Machines. Cartografie sociali. Rivista semestrale di sociologia e scienze umane, 2(8).
Giannone, D., & Santaniello, M. (2019). Governance by indicators: the case of the Digital Agenda for Europe. Information, Communication & Society, 22(13), 1889-1902.
Santaniello, M., Palladino, N., Catone, M. C., & Diana, P. (2018). The language of digital constitutionalism and the role of national parliaments. International Communication Gazette, 80(4), 320-336.
Santaniello, M. (2018). Internet Public Policy. Politiche pubbliche e governance delle reti digitali. Aracne editrice.
Santaniello, M. (2018). Rompere le scatole nere. Frontiere algoritmiche del giornalismo investigativo. COMUNICAZIONEPUNTODOC, 20, 55-65.
Padovani, C., & Santaniello, M. (2018). Introduction to The International Communication Gazette. Themed issue “Digital Constitutionalism: Human Rights and Power Limitation in the Internet Eco-system”. THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION GAZETTE, 80, 295-301.
Padovani, C., & Santaniello, M. (2018). Digital constitutionalism: Fundamental rights and power limitation in the Internet eco-system. International Communication Gazette, 80(4), 295-301.
Keller, C. I., & dos Santos, B. M. (2024). Trackers and Chasers: Governance Challenges in Disinformation Datafication. In Global Digital Data Governance (pp. 148-164). Routledge.
Hofmann, J., & Iglesias Keller, C. (2024). Machine learning, political participation and the transformations of democratic self-determination. In Künstliche Intelligenz, Mensch und Gesellschaft: Soziale Dynamiken und gesellschaftliche Folgen einer technologischen Innovation (pp. 321-344). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Celeste, E., Iglesias Keller, C., & Redeker, D. (2024). Digital Bills of Rights. In De Gregorio, G., Pollicino, O., & P. Valcke (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Digital Constitutionalism) Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Neuberger, C., Emmer, M., Keller, C. I., Krasnova, H., Krzywdzinski, M., Metzger, A., & Vladova, G. (2023). Special Issue: Fostering Societal Values in Digital Times–Peace, Care, and Tech Regulation. Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society, 3(3).
Keller, C. I., & Magalhães, J. C. (2023). Regulating AI in democratic erosion: context, imaginaries and voices in the Brazilian debate. In Elgar Companion to Regulating AI and Big Data in Emerging Economies (pp. 183-200). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Iglesias Keller, C. (2022). Don’t shoot the message: Regulating disinformation beyond content. In The Rule of Law in Cyberspace (pp. 309-330). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Pereira, J. R. G., & Keller, C. I. (2022). Constitucionalismo Digital: contradições de um conceito impreciso. Revista Direito e Práxis, 13(4), 2648-2689.
Celeste, E., Heldt, A., & Keller, C. I. (Eds.). (2022). Constitutionalising social media. Oxford: Hart
Haggart, B., & Keller, C. I. (2021). Democratic legitimacy in global platform governance. Telecommunications Policy, 45(6), 102152.
Iglesias Keller, C. (2021). Don’t shoot the message: regulating disinformation beyond content. Direito Público, 18(99), 486-515.
Keller, C. I. (2019). Entre exceção e harmonização: o debate teórico sobre a regulação da Internet| Between exception and harmonization: the theoretical debate on Internet regulation. Revista Publicum, 5(1), 137-166.
Keller, C. I. (2019). Regulação nacional de serviços na Internet: exceção, legitimidade e o papel do Estado.
Keller, C. I. (2019). Exception and Harmonization: Three Theoretical Debates on Internet Regulation. HIIG Discussion Paper Series, 2020(2).
Celeste, E., & Iglesias Keller, C. (2019). Future Visions for a Democratic Internet. Publicum, 5(2), ii-viii.
Puukko, O. (2024). Rethinking digital rights through systemic problems of communication. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (82), 1-19.
Puukko, O. (2024). Repensando los derechos digitales a través de los problemas sistémicos de la comunicación. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (82), 26.
Puukko, O. (2023). Productive Power in Digital Constitutionalism: Analyzing Civil Society Actors’ Definitions of Digital Rights. International Journal of Communication, 17, 6655-6674.
Nikunen, K. (2021). Dataistunut media. Media & viestintä, 44(2), i-vii.
Puukko, O. (2021). Kohti dataoikeudenmukaisuutta–ehdotuksia tutkijoilta ja liikkeiltä. Media & viestintä, 44(2), 145-153.
Karppinen, K., & Puukko, O. (2020). Four discourses of digital rights: Promises and problems of rights-based politics. Journal of Information Policy, 10, 304-328.
Pettrachin, A., & Pelizza, A. (2023). Data circulation and migration governance: a social-network-analysis method to track shifts in responsibilities. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies, 7(4), 363-384.
Pettrachin, A. (2018). Towards a universal declaration on internet rights and freedoms?. International Communication Gazette, 80(4), 337-353.
Fraser, H., & Suzor, N. (2024). Locating fault and responsibility for AI harms: A systems theory of foreseeability, reasonable care and causal responsibility in the AI value chain. Law, Innovation and Technology.
Cohen, T. & Suzor, N. (2024) Contesting the public interest in AI governance. Internet Policy Review, 13(3).
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