Research Associate, University of Bremen

Dennis Redeker is a postdoctoral researcher at ZeMKI and affiliated to the Lab “Platform Governance, Media, and Technology” (Prof. Dr. Katzenbach). He deals with questions of global governance research, especially in the fields of internet, platform and AI governance. He is a founding member of the interdisciplinary Digital Constitutionalism Network (since 2019), which deals with the role of human rights in the digital space and the question of the increasing constitutionalization of digital technologies.

Between April 2017 and November 2021, Dennis Redeker was a research assistant at SOCIUM – Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy, at the University of Bremen and a doctoral student at the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS). During his doctoral phase, he completed research stays at New York University (Center for European and Mediterranean Studies) and Harvard University (Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society). He defended his dissertation entitled “Digital Constitutionalism: Transnational Advocacy Networks and the Struggle for Human Rights in the Digital Age” in March 2021 (supervised by Prof. Dr. Martens, University of Bremen). Previously, he studied International Relations, Comparative Law, Political Philosophy and Economics in Maastricht, Bremen and at the University of Connecticut.

From April to September 2021, Dennis Redeker was a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) in Bochum and a Teaching Fellow of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (KI-Campus). Since September 2021 he has been an affiliated postdoctoral researcher at BIGSSS, since May 2022 Fellow at the Information Society Law Center at the University of Milan (Statale), since September 2022 “Visiting Professor” at the FGV Center for Technology and Society (CTS-FGV) in Rio de Janeiro. Also in September 2022, he was appointed as a Young Academic Fellow (2022-2025) by the Akademie der Wissenshaften in Hamburg.